Check her availability for your next event!

Check her availability for your next event!
God called Denise out of darkness, and into His light to be a voice for her children who had no voice. After publishing her first book, Forgiven of murder...a True Story, it became a National best seller. Despite the difficulty in sharing her pain of legal abortion, Denise dedicated herself full time to sharing her testimony publicly. God opened doors for her to be on radio, Television and she was invited to speak to people in conferences, churches, universities, high schools and around the world. Rev. 12:11, Prov. 31:8, Eph. 5:11
Denise Mountenay is the Chief Administrative Officer for an NGO out of Australia. For the last 16 years, Denise has been going into the United Nations Headquarters in New York to attend the Commission on the Status of Women, and to Geneva, Switzerland to the World Health Assembly. She has led many teams and organized and Chaired many Side Events inviting experts, and doing presentations on the Breast Cancer Risk, Preterm birth link and mental health problems for women in the aftermath of legal abortion. Many minds have been changed after their powerful presentations on the humanity of children before birth; plus the heaps of evidence in published studies on the damage of abortion to women, proving it is NOT a 'safe' practice.
Most people have never heard the facts on how legal abortion hurts women and can cause irreparable damages to women's mental and reproductive health. Denise shares her horrific experience of an abortion wide awake which traumatized her, and and took the lives of her children.
Denise's new book, The Bride, The Serpent & The Seed, is now into its 4th printing. Whether as a keynote speaker or a workshop leader, she brings insight, education and awareness to equip people on how to be a strong voice for the voiceless. Let Denise help you reach, teach and mobilize people in your community on this important topic so prevalent in our generation. Together for Life, in unity for such a time as this.
Denise Mountenay produced her first documentary called, "Do No Harm" in 2012. She also helped develop and is featured in the award-winning Hush Documentary. She is the Founder/President of Together for Life Ministries at
It is amazing how God has opened doors for Denise Mountenay to speak in many different countries, such as Ghana-Africa, Moscow-Russia, Jerusalem-Israel, Houston-Texas, USA, Delhi-India, Shanghai-China, Belfast-Ireland, London-UK, Konstanz-Germany as well as many other cities and nations. She has also shared her Mess to a MESSAGE in many different churches, different denominations and groups of people.
Denise loves to share her powerful testimony with youth and young adults. Youth and Young Adults are our future Pro Life teachers and advocates for Life.
Denise Mountenay teaches on the humanity of children in the womb. As well as teaching and bringing evidence on the Breast Cancer Risk, Preterm Birth Link and Mental Health issues in the aftermath of legal abortion. You just need someone to show you the profound evidence and uncover the truths about this practice of induced abortion and its impact on women, and world demographics.
As an award-winning author/speaker and film producer, Denise will bring new insight and inspiration to your next event. Contact us, and we can arrange and design a workshop or presentation that fits the needs that you have today.
P.O. Box 3, Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia, Canada V0C 2W0
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and reach this generation with the truth and reality about abortion and its harmful effects on women. IF you need a charitable tax receipt, please contact our office first at Thank you so much your prayers and support are greatly needed and appreciated in this war against pregnant women and children.
This presentation is built on years of experience on the frontlines. I will help you and your team figure out, not just what is coming next, but how to shape what is coming next.
I developed this presentation while working with NGOs at the UN headquarters in New York and Geneva. We work to establish and unite together for the greater human rights cause. We are using science-based evidence on the damage of legal abortion to women's mental and reproductive health, along with teaching on the humanity of children in utero.
My testimony and the stories from many women like me prove that legal abortion is NOT "safe" for most women. I have researched and collected many studies proving that abortion is linked to Breast Cancer, Cervical/Uterine damage and mental health issues after. Using my information and techniques, this workshop will help your PRO-LIFE Team, WOMEN's Group, or YOUTH and YOUNG Adults team learn how to be a strong voice for the voiceless, and how to share the truth in love. The future generations will be so glad you did, and feel great about the work that they are doing. "We defeat Satan by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony..." Rev. 12:11, Prov. 31:8, Eph. 5:11
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